Tuesday 26 August 2008

AAAARRRGHHH - Have you ever......

Have you ever got up early in the morning, crept downstairs trying dilligently not to wake the sleeping beauties up. You don't turn on the light, because you don't want to be blinded and then you are thrown into a state of hysteria as you realise you are treading in slime and find an invasion of elongated slugs taking over your kitchen floor ..... well that's what happened to me this morning. Everyone then awoke !! only the dog decided that going back to sleep would be a good idea. Anyway, thought I'd upload a couple of recent samples that winged their way over to Elusive Images.


Jo said...

Ooh, those fuchsia silhouettes look good! Nice to see the allium paper again too. I need to go and print some of that off NOW!!

Anonymous said...

yukkk! that's at the slugs, not the cards, which are (of course) beautiful!
