This week we have been enjoying TOTPs 2 (BBC 2 6.30ishpm)... the kids have been cringing at their parents singing and reliving those disco 'slow snog' dances that always came at the end of the evening. Prior to that the girls dancesd round their handbags and certainly the 'popular' discos I went to, the 'boys' danced in their wellies - the majority being farmers popping in for a drink and a laugh! I can't beieve I could remember the dance moves to Adam and The Ants - you remember Diana Doors and that fairy godmother act....
Well where are we going ... on Saturday I set off over to Carlisle for a demo and what slowed me down - a group on vintage mopeds. My week was complete :
So what else has been going on ... I got to spend some time with Cricut. Mt DH thinks I have another man as he overheard me talking to myself, talking to Cricut.... don't go there !!!
The dog has taken up residency under a hydrangea bush on 'pigeon watch'. We have birds nesting down the bottom of the garden so we've been putting out extra meal worms and other exotic items the birds seem to enjoy and two pigeons, Bessie and Bert have decided that they would like to come and join the party. The Cairn Terrorist is taking guard duties to excessive extremes ... it's keeping the dog busy.... the little birds can have their exotic nosh.... and the pigeons are welll exercised!
I'll leave you with a little something I created earlier today
Annette x